Welcome to Mrs. Gill’s Kindergarten page! I am so excited for our school year to start. Thank you so much for sharing your children with me!
Our Kindergarten Schedule
8:00 Calendar
8:30 Reading/Language Arts
9:00 Restroom
9:10-9:55 PE
10:00-10:45- Daily Five (stations)
10:50 Restroom
11:00-11:40 Lunch/Recess
11:45 Restroom
12:00-12:40 Math
12:45-1:15 Nap
1:20-1:50 Recess
1:50-2:00 Restroom
2:00-2:45 Math Stations
2:45 Science/Social Studies
3:15 Pack up/Dismissal
Important Information
Some important information to start off the year: First of all thank you so much for sharing your child with me! I am honored to get to be their teacher, and I look forward to working with you to see all that your child can achieve!
***Attendance is important in Kindergarten. What we do in class involves active participation and it is very important that your child attends each day. However, I do realize that sickness, family emergencies, and doctor’s appointments do occur.
***Online students- Please make sure you log in daily to your google classroom. You must complete assignments the date it was given. Communication is key, if you have questions or concerns please email me. If your child is struggling with a concept we need to schedule a meeting.
***Toys and personal valuables should not be brought to school. If they are, they are at school at the child’s risk. All personal belongings should be clearly labeled with your child’s name.
***Water Bottles… Your child needs to bring a refillable water bottle labeled with their name. At this time it is necessary that each student has their own water bottle because we will not be using the public water fountains. Students will be bringing their bottles home everyday to be washed and sanitized.
***Lunch… Please do not send food that needs to be heated. There will be NO microwaves in the cafeteria.
***Snack… Your child will have a snack time each afternoon. You may send a snack with your child or send $ for a snack provided by the school.
***Extra Clothes…Please include a spare change of clothes in the labeled Ziploc bag to keep in their backpack.
Notes about Getting Home
Whenever someone is picking up your child that normally does not pick up your child, or your child is riding home a different way than they normally do, SEND A NOTE either in your child’s binder or you can CALL the office. Without a note or phone call, I will send the child home the way they go every day. I am very strict about this! This is not an area for flexibility. Your child’s safety is the most important thing.
B.E.E. Binders (Bring Everything Everyday)
Your child’s B.E.E. Binder is a very important part of my teaching because it is a means of communicating with you! Your child will be responsible for taking it home each day and returning it the following morning. Please check your child’s B.E.E. Binder regularly for important information.
Sway (Electronic Newsletter)
Check out the Sway that is sent to your e-mail from Mrs. Fox to stay up to date on what your child is learning and for important dates to remember!
Scholastic Book Orders
Book orders will be sent home at various times. If you purchase through Scholastic, our class receives points that will enable us to receive free books and materials for our classroom.
We love to celebrate birthdays! Please let me know in advance if you plan on bringing in a treat for your child to share with the class. The ideal time for the party would be during our snack/recess(1:20-1:50). Summer Birthdays will be celebrated with a “Birthday Bash” in May. I would be glad to deliver invitations to your child’s personal birthday party. However, in order to not hurt any child’s feelings in our classroom, please do not distribute party invitations in our classroom unless every child is invited to the party. This ensures that children in our class will not be placed in an uncomfortable situation or get their feelings hurt.
My conference time is from 9:10-9:55. If you ever have a concern or question, please schedule a conference with me. It is very difficult to discuss these concerns during morning drop off or afternoon pick up. Your child is very important to me, and I want to give your concern or question all the attention it deserves.
My Contact Information
Phone Number: (903)-459-3288 ext. 306
E-mail: lgill@mgisd.net
My google classroom link (class code) is: sjxgqk3
That is it for now! I am so excited to have them in my class, and I can’t wait to see how much they grow. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns as the school year gets started!
Here are some important links for my classroom.
Mrs. Gill’s Kindergarten Google Classroom-