School Board

School Board Trustees

  • Brandon Darrow, President
  • Ray Sparks, Vice President
  • Bret Garrett, Secretary
  • Clark May
  • Mike Hasten
  • Cole Middleton
  • Lee Roy Stracener

Deadline to file to be on the ballot for school board August 19

School Board Goals

School Safety and Security Committee

 Budget Summaries & Adopted Budgets

Publicly Posted Reports

Hopkins County SSA

Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)

Federal Report Cards

Posted Report Cards

Annual Financial & Compliance Report

TASB Board Policy Manual

Campus/District Improvement Plan

District of Innovation

School Health Advisory Committee Report

Other Required Postings

Other Policies

Utility Bill Usage

Private Non-Profit (PNP) Schools and Equitable Services

School districts who receive ESSER and/or ESSA federal funds are required to provide equitable services for eligible school children, teachers, and other educational personnel at registered private non-profit (PNP) schools that desire to participate.

PNP schools located in Miller Grove ISD should contact Linda Rankin at 903-459-3288, no later than September 1, 2023 for more information. 


In compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, this education agency, Miller Grove ISD, upholds the following policy:

This is an equal opportunity school and is dedicated to a policy of non-discrimination in employment or training. Qualified students, applicants, or employees will not be excluded from any course or activity because of age, sex, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, or qualified handicap. All students have equal rights to counseling and training.

OCR form covering the Civil Rights designates the following person at our school to be the coordinator for the compliance activities on Title IX, and Section 504 (Handicapped):

Steve Johnson at Miller Grove ISD, 7819 Farm Road 275S Cumby, TX 75433. He may be reached at the school phone number 903-459-3288.