July 29, 2022 - Hello and welcome to the 2022-23 school year. I hope all of you and your families had a great summer, recharged, and are now ready to…

MG playing in 2nd Annual Sulphur Bluff baseball tourn March 3-5
Miller Grove is playing in the 2nd Annual Sulphur Bluff baseball tournament March 3-5. Here is the info for coaches on the tournament from Sulphur Bluff: Thanks for coming to…

2022 Baseball t-shirt order forms
Baseball order forms can be sent to Coach Hill from now until February 17th. He also has last year’s baseball hats for sale. Contact him for more information at bhill@administrator

Baseball boys in bi-district playoffs
The Miller Grove High School baseball boys are in the bi-district baseball playoffs this week at Paris High School. Game one and two will be Thursday, May 6 starting at…

Baseball: MGISD is Team of the Week
April 5, 2021 - For the week starting April 5, 2021 the Miller Grove Hornets are the 1A Game Grade Team of the Week, according to usabaseball.com. The Hornets defeated…

Baseball Quarter Final Regionals
Miller Grove Baseball goes to Quarter Final Regionals! Miller Grove baseball team made it to regionals and worked their hardest to get there. They lost, but they made it this…