April 5, 2021 - For the week starting April 5, 2021 the Miller Grove Hornets are the 1A Game Grade Team of the Week, according to usabaseball.com. The Hornets defeated…
CEREMONY: Miller Grove basketball team receives rings
Miller Grove basketball team receives rings in a ring ceremony recently.
Miller Grove Robotics Team places 25th out of 41 teams at Game Day
Miller Grove School competed for the first time ever in a robotics competition on Saturday at Prosper High School at the CoCo BEST Game Day. Against 41 teams MGISD placed…
Little Dribblers team wins 2nd place at Yantis tournament
Coach Richard Ramsey's 3rd and 4th grade Miller Grove Little Dribblers won second place at the recent championship tournament in Yantis on Saturday, February 20th. Pictured from left to…